Boğaziçi Üniversitesi matematik öğretmenliği mastır ve doktora yapmış 19 yıllık öğretmenlik ve özel ders deneyimli hocadan özgün ders notu ve teknoloji destekli eğitimle yüzlerce üniversite öğrencisine özel ders vermiş hocadan skype veya zoom üzerinden uygun fiyata birebir veya online olarak
• calculus math101, math102 ,math201,
• linear algebra
• diferansiyel denklemler
• AP calculus,
• olasılık ve istatistik dersleri,
• Ib, les ,gre, gmat,sat
dersleri verilir. Eğer eksikliklerinizi kısa sürede tamamlamak calculus ve matematik dersleri sınavlarında başarılı olmak istiyorsanız işte fırsat, şu an seviyeniz ne olursa olsun mutlaka başarılı olacaksınız. Unutmayın özel dersi işin uzmanından alırsanız hem kısa sürede öğrenir hem de gereksiz yere zaman ve para harcamış olmazsiniz
not : türkiyenin bir çok üniversitesinde ve yurtdışında okuyan bir çok öğrenciye özel dersler
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All content in “First order differential equations”
Intro to differential equations
- Finding particular linear solution to differential equation
- Introduction to differential equations and initial value problems
- Slope field to visualize solutions
- Differential equation from slope field
- Separable differential equations introduction
- Old separable differential equations introduction
Modeling with differential equations
- Modeling population with simple differential equation
- Particular solution given initial conditions for population
- Newton’s Law of Cooling
- Applying Newton’s Law of Cooling to warm oatmeal
Logistic differential equation and function
- Modeling population as an exponential function
- Logistic differential equation intuition
- Solving the logistic differential equation part 1
- Solving the logistic differential equation part 2
- Logistic function application
- Euler’s method
- Euler’s method program code
- Example Euler’s method exercise
Exact equations and integrating factors
- Exact equations intuition
- Exact equations example
- Exact equations example
- Integrating factors Homogeneous equations
- First order homogenous equations
- First order homogeneous equations 2
All content in “Second order linear equations”
- 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 1
- 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 2
- 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 3
- 2nd order linear homogeneous differential equations 4
Complex and repeated roots of characteristic equation
- Complex roots of the characteristic equations 1
- Complex roots of the characteristic equations 3
- Repeated roots of the characteristic equation
- Repeated roots of the characteristic equations part 2
Method of undetermined coefficients
- Undetermined coefficients 1
- Undetermined coefficients 2
- Undetermined coefficients 3
All content in “Laplace transform”
- Laplace transform 2
- L{sin(at)}) – transform of sin(at)
Properties of the Laplace transform
- Laplace transform of t^n: L{t^n}
- Laplace transform of the unit step function
- Dirac delta function
- Laplace transform of the dirac delta function
Laplace transform to solve a differential equation
- Laplace transform to solve an equation
- Laplace transform solves an equation 2
- Using the Laplace transform to solve a nonhomogeneous eq
- Introduction to the convolution